Interview with Kyle Young-Moncure the woman behind Racism Rehab

News24hours staff : Hi Kyle Young-Moncure. You being a Certified Professional, Speaker and Trainer in Diversity and Inclusion and Cultural IQ , can u please tell a bit more about you ?

Kyle Young-Moncure : I am also the Founder and CEO of an innovative organization called The Free Your Mind Forum.

My primary role is facilitating community engagements to discuss Racism, Unconscious Bias and Stereotypes.

News24hours staff : What are your plans for the upcoming year ?

Kyle Young-Moncure : In January 2019 we will launch the new season and unveil our new coaching program – Racism Rehab.

News24hours staff : Its very much interesting ? Can you please elaborate on Racism Rehab Coaching & Consulting ?

Kyle Young-Moncure :
The idea for Racism Rehab was conceived out of sheer desperation. I myself was under a great deal of stress and anxiety due to several racially charged situation playing out in the media and on my job at the time. I found there was no where to go with what I was dealing with. It was then that I came up with the idea for Free Your Mind and Racism Rehab.

Hate crimes and racially motivated incidents are at an all time high. The perpetrators and victims of racism in this country have nowhere to go for help. Current day, you can go online and Google counseling & rehab programs for pretty much anything. Sex addiction, alcohol abuse, drug addiction – you name it… But there is no redemption for the racist.

Racism Rehab is the first professional coaching practice of its kind. Never before has there been rehabilitation program for people suffering from racism, prejudice, race-based fear and bigotry in this country. That’s why I had to create this program.

We not only offer rehabilitation assistance to the perpetrator but we also offer therapy for the victims.

I believe that everyone has a gift, a calling and a life purpose.
This is mine.

Racism Rehab is a journey into uncharted territory. I am literally creating something that does not exist.

This is no easy undertaking. I first had to become educated. My research for this program has been in the works for over five years. And I believe we are ready.

I believe that people who want a second chance should have one. Racism Rehab will help a lot of people. It is time to put this thing to action.

Individuals, Colleges, Small Companies & Corporations need to understand that “RACISM IS LETHAL.”

Whether it’s Conscious or Unconscious; By Choice, Past Trauma, Social Conditioning, Upbringing, Environment or Default… Bigotry Can Be Detrimental to Your Job, Your Profits, Your Health, Your Dreams, Your Reputation & Your Family.

Racial Bias Is a Liability.
Racial Hate Has Consequences.
Racial Ignorance Shouldn’t Be Ignored.

Contact us for a confidential consultation.

Racism Rehab – Confidential Coaching
“Race Is Hard To Talk About ~Do It Anyway.”

More information can be found at: -and-

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