First-ever 24-hour free wine fountain in Italy

wineTourists and wine lovers are pretty excited about Italy’s first 24×7 wine fountain.
In most regions of the world, public drinking fountains expel tap water, but the newest public drinking fountain in Italy flows red wine  and it’s free to the wine lovers .

The 24-hour seven days a week “fontana del vino” in Caldari di Ortona has been installed by Dora Sarchese vineyard winery.

Dora Sarchese said ,”The wine fountain is a welcome, the wine fountain is poetry,”

There’s no catch or gimmick, the vineyard owners explained. Nor is the fountain for “drunkards” or “louts”, they said on the vineyard’s Facebook page.

They simply wanted to provide a service that had been previously unheard of in Italian history.

The fountain is located along a popular trail, the Cammino di San Tommaso, which is used by thousands of Catholics every year on the pilgrimage to see the remains of Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples.

Now, travellers can enjoy some Biblical-style refreshment along the long journey.

Until now, wine fountains in Italy had only been used for holidays and special occasions.

One of the most famous is in Marino where white wine flows from the public water fountain taps for an hour during the city’s annual grape festival.

This is the first known fountain to distribute free wine all day, every day.

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