Beating the heat in Palakkad with GoodNest eco-homes
Kochi, Kerala – May 11, 2024: Global warming is no more a myth or phenomenon we read in news reports and articles. We are experiencing the effects of climate change even in the “God’s own country” – Kerala.
This year, Kerala has witnessed highest ever temperature recorded, 41 degree Celsius at Palakkad before summer. “Every year, temperature is gradually rising and people are putting up Air Conditioners and cooling appliances to make their homes cool, causing a steep increase in their power consumption and electricity bill amounts. Putting up of AC’s eventually cause for the outside atmospheric temperature to further rise and makes the scenario even worse” observes Jijo George Varghese, Managing Director of Goodnest eco- Homes, focussing in building eco-friendly and sustainable cool homes at an economical price tag.

‘Prakriti’ is the answer Goodnest puts forward as the solution for two major problems.
- Increasing global warming contributed by construction industry out of which 60% or more is housing.
- Skyrocketing construction costs making owning a home, a distant dream for majority.

‘Prakriti’ as the name indicates, is an energy efficient home equipped to find all its energy requirements from Mother Nature including Solar Power, rain water harvesting etc. The building materials used in this home, the larger windows and ventilations provided, the traditional architectural style followed all together makes ‘Prakriti’ , a cool and efficient home. The usage of ‘Auroville’ developed and stabilised mud bricks and the external mud plastering helps to cut the heat to a large extend.

For pricing and details:
Phone number : 9746159657
Website :
Kochi | Palakkad