The Amazing Work And Creative Mind Of Jiin Jang

In today’s society many have a cross to bear. The world around us can be a strange and difficult place, making it hard to achieve one’s goals. For Korean born actress Jiin Jang, the story is different. Yes it is true that acting internationally and expressing one’s self through the art of stage is not an easy feat. However, Jiin Jang is able to accomplish this with amazing strides. Although Jang was not born in an English speaking country, she had much exposure to the West through her Aunt who worked as an animator in America for nearly twenty years. It was this, that sparked the notion that Jang could accomplish whatever she desired at a young age.
Here prestigious career advanced as she attended drama school in the United Kingdom. She faced several barriers, including one being the local language, “Being an actor in a foreign country, using your second language is definitely the most challenging–However, because of that, the satisfaction and the experiences that you get are unbelievable. I learned and grew up so much (and I am still growing up) as a person and as an artist.” Her words ring true of the lessons she has learned and how hard work reaps great rewards. She was the first Korean born and raised actress to attend this masters program in the United Kingdom. Her comment on this reflects why Jang has been so successful as an actress, “I can tell you with 200% confidence and from the bottom of my heart, it was the best decision I ever made in my life so, far.”
Breaking down these barriers, Jang has an impressive acting resume which consists of Macbeth at the world renowned Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London where she played the role of Ross. Additionally, Jang has performed in other features such as Illyrea as multiple characters like Magda and Flavia, and in a production called Finally playing the character of Mi-Sun. Blue Beard Babes was also created by Jiin and her team –an original piece for the esteemed Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. Her talents have been widely recognized and led to her being invited to Poland to perform as well as physically and visually produce multiple international productions. This added another element to her ever growing list of talents. Ironically, Jang first made her Korean film debut here in the US, where she played opposite one of the most famous actresses Heeae Kim who has had a long and successful career of her own.
The future holds many great things for Jiin Jang, even though she has already accomplished so much at a young age. She intends to work closely with online and cable platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, HBO and even Youtube. An actress of Jang’s stature, she is more than qualified to accomplish anything she sets her mind too. Never letting society dictate to her role, Jiin Jang is a force to be reckoned with and will continue to surprise us again and again with her amazing abilities and creative mind.