Country Singers Fight on Stage
It was supposed to be another good time at the Denton Texas Thanksgiving Calf Fry, but Tate Chasers and Danny Bullworth changed all that. What band goes on first and what band goes on last? Was the question, promoter Stan Newberry said Tate Chasers was going on stage first but that all changed when he found out Danny Bullworth was also playing. Turns out Bullworth and Chasers had a falling out years ago, they used to be part of the Trio, Danny, Jess, & Tate. Tate accused Danny of song thievery and Danny said Tate got Jess drunk and slept with her. Danny quit the band and Tate and Jess got married, later divorced. So 7 o’clock rolls around and nobody takes the stage, Stan asks Danny to go on first and he agrees but by that time Tate was ready. At 8:30 both bands take the stage, The Tate Chasers Band from stage right and the Bullworth crew from stage left, both bands take their places and both bands start playing, different songs of course, then the singers show up and meet in the middle of the stage where there is only one microphone and the fighting starts. Danny Bullworth and Tate Chasers actually stood toe to toe like boxers exchanging punches, half the crowd loved it, the other half led their children away before the two country singers clinched and fell off the front of the stage, where police waited and broke up the fight. An officer may have been punched by a fan, so both country singers, Tate Chasers and Danny Bullworth were detained. Local country singer Stacy Lamier joined the musicians on stage and played a few classics and some of Tate Chasers songs. The Promoter call the event a success because no one will ever forget it and only two idiots got hurt. Hopefully, we can get one of them back for the Outdoor Christmas Jam in Frisco, TX.